Lockdown Diary - Thursday 3rd June 2021

Work again

Usual stuff until the mid-afternoon when my 40-minute assessment call with Talking Therapies turned into an hour-plus marathon.  The outcome is that I have another call early next Wednesday morning to decide what's the best next step, fingers crossed they don't suggest CBT, as I'll have to strongly object.  Doesn't work for me. Lots of safety stuff and do I still have the relevant numbers: yes, I do.

Question is, is this the time to talk to work about things or do I wait until after Wednesday's call? Need to think about that one.

Back to work.

It's Idler Drinks again and time to stop work.  Tonight's guest is Craig Brown, author of the acclaimed book 'One Two Three Four: The Beatles In Time' which, unsurprisingly, is about The Beatles (who?) and who is also the regular spoof celebrity diarist in 'Private Eye' amongst other journalistic activities.

Tonight's session was dogged by technical difficulties, primarily around Craig Brown's internet access, which dropped for almost 30 minutes. Guess that's the price you pay for living in the wilds of Suffolk. Once Craig finally reconnected it was an interesting discussion, despite the fact that I'm not massively interested in The Beatles.  Just to be clear it would be both churlish and a complete trashing of history to deny the cultural and musical impact of The Beatles (year zero / punk not withstanding), so I'm not going to attempt to do that.  Skating a thin line that probably borders on heresy for some, some of the stuff after 'Revolver' (treading very carefully here) includes influences which I really don't enjoy, for example music hall, vaudeville, big bands and nursery rhyme-stylings to name but a few, hence the general uneasiness that prevents me ever becoming a true fan of their work. (Just to add to that and to demonstrate this is not a witch hunt, I do have a copy of the Craig Brown book which I bought long before I knew this talk was happening)

Enough of my bullshit.

Pies, damn pies and 'Top Boy'

The journey into nothingness begins.

Sofie / 'Asleep' / 'Cult Survivor'

[Brings little joy]



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