Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 8th June 2021

Back to work and the first day of a course spread over the next six weeks. Other than that, the same old same old.

At some point in the day I published my review of 'The Alchemist' on my good reads page, further stoking the fires of controversy.

Apart from the training course I also attended an hour long session titled 'The Art of Being Brilliant', the first in a series of talks about making the most of yourself / your life.  The speaker was Jonathan Peach who had some very interesting and enjoyable things to say, though most notably for me right now and as he pointed out, you do need to be starting from a good state of mental health.  It was thought-provoking and fun, but I think I need to get the Talking Therapies stuff under way / over, before I can really take advantage of it.

During the evening I got a message from a friend I've not spoken to for a few months.  Last time I heard from her she was in the Maldives with her new fiancé. She is planning a visit over this way and wants to go for a meal to catch up and so I get to meet said fiancé. She also has a bone to pick with me about 'The Alchemist', which is apparently one of her favourite books, though apparently she'll not hold it against me! She has always made the effort to keep in touch, despite not having worked together for about six years, and even though the gaps in contact have been quite long at times.  I look forward to meeting again, she always brings light into my life.

After that started making dinner with son #2, a team effort, before we all sat down together to eat and watch the penultimate episode of 'Top Boy'.

Sleep at last!

Wolf Alice / 'Smile' / 'Blue Weekend'



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