Lockdown Diary - Saturday 26th June 2021

Saturday at last. Seemed a long time coming this week, dunno why.

Shopping with son #2, followed by breakfast at home.  I'm off to a picnic in a park in town with some friends from book club: it's the last chance to see the couple getting married next weekend so it's an opportunity to give them a card and catch up before they depart to work and live in Denmark.  

The weather is good-ish which means I've managed to get three wash loads done and hung out before I'm off out.

Just returned from a very enjoyable picnic in King's Road Gardens.  In all the years I've lived here I've never been in these gardens, though I've driven past them countless times.  In the end there were seven of us in attendance, which wasn't bad for an event arranged at short notice on a Saturday afternoon.  I got home around half-four and, despite having indulged in some wine, decided I needed to go for a walk.

Hit my walking target for the day and the week, ready for whatever the evening has in store.  I say whatever, because there is some doubt as to whether I'll be in on my own or with sons 1 and 2.

In the event we're all in together and watch the film 'Arrival', which was rather good - a science fiction film that treads it's own path and manages to avoid so many sci-fi clichés.  Afterwards I discover it's based on a Ted Chiang story ('Story of Your Life') which is an excellent starting point, likely to result in something a bit different.

Some late night chitter-chatter before sleep takes hold, aided by mirtazapine.

System 7 / 'Manik Shamanik' / 'Live Transmissions' 



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