Takes From The Crypt - Tuesday 28th December 2021

Another lie-in until 7, this could become a habit or rather, it would be nice if it could, but I fear the need to work may stop me adopting it.

It's going to be a relatively chilled day, though as usual I have a fair few chores to do.  Amongst all of that I intend to find time to chat with a friend and, ideally, go for a walk.  I really do need to get back (!!) into exercise again.

Discussion with the carers about their New Year's Eve party and whether it will go ahead. Mixed feelings.

Talking of 'Get Back', I watched more of the Beatles documentary at lunch time and it's interesting to see the tensions between George and Paul and most noticeably between John and Paul - the cracks are showing and it seems hard to imagine Lennon and McCartney as a song writing duo. Eventually an album will emerge, but it will prove to be their last and the band will break up soon after the album's release.  Some of the ideas they are playing around with seem really weak, uninspired and unimaginative.

Late afternoon, son #2 and I head off out for a walk.  The sun is setting and the light is incredibly beautiful.  He and I had a chat about important things and it was good to get the time together.  He is growing up very fast and it's good to discover how mature he is becoming, without losing sight of the fun to be found in life.

During the final carer visit I discover that it has now been decided that the NYE party will go ahead.  I need to think about how I can attend that safely and also what outrageous surprise presents I can buy for the secret present giving!!

In the evening I make turkey curry which turns out to be surprisingly good: the Christmas turkey has delivered 20 meal servings but now it is just a bone carcass. The turkey is gone: Praise the Lord!

Four out of five of us eat while watching the start of 'The Big Fat Quiz Of The Year' before two of us head off to speak to friends.

Let's do it all again tomorrow...

L'Rain /  'Two Face' / 'Fatigue' 

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