Tales From The Crypt - Monday 13th December 2021

Today I'm heading off to Birmingham University to collect son #1, leaving as close to 9 a.m. as I can.  The intention is to get there and come straight back, or as close to that as his readiness allows. Almost as soon as I get back I'm taking sons 1 and 2 to the dentist - no peace for the wicked.

Back from Brum and straight out again!

It's now 3 p.m. and finally I'm home and very hungry, time for lunch at last!

The afternoon disappeared in a series of discussions and changes of plan. I don't seem to have managed to progress any of the Christmas things I need to get done, but never mind.

Spoke to the hospital for an update on my mother-in-law, but so far no real change. Hopefully something new tomorrow.

Ate with sons 1 and 2 and watched a 'Live At The Apollo' before heading for bed and the new end of the day events.

Hollie Cook / 'Sugar Water' / 'Hollie Cook'

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