Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 22nd December 2021

The run up to Christmas seems a long one this year - I guess it's because it falls at a weekend.  Today son #1's gf is joining us and it's also the day of our Christmas food deliveries (organic veg!! cheese!! turkey!!!) with the added excitement of not knowing what will be missing, at least not until later.

Today is the 5th anniversary of my mum's death, and I take some time to reflect on this. Good things I gained. Things I've lost.

The shopping is not due until late (9-10 pm) and before then I'll be taking son's 1 and 2 to the dentist, chatting with a friend as well as having a video call with a school friend I've not seen since before the panny-d (pandemic), as well as other shit I've probably forgotten I have to do.

Just back from the dentist having dropped off son #2, and found the veg has been delivered, before heading back to the dentist with son #1 (who wasn't ready to go first time around!!!!!!!) which at least gave me the opportunity to have a serious conversation with him about important life thingies.

Back from the dentist finally, and I've only been in a few minutes when the cheese arrives - big 'uns not Baby Cheeses - two down one more to go.  A quick check of email reveals the extent of the substitutions and - as is typical for Christmas - there are quite a few (nine or ten) none of which are vital for the day, thank f*ck!

Around 3pm I began what turned into a two hour video call with a school friend (boy can he talk! 😂😂😂😂 (Pot - kettle!!!)) and we both had a lot of news to share: he's now a grandad, though his grandchild is in China and who knows when they'll get to meet.

We had dinner together watching the WILTY Christmas special, after the arrival of son #1's gf. WILTY was OK, but not that hilarious, though maybe I'm not fully in the mood (for dancing, or anything else)?  The shopping arrived mid-WILTY so it was time to try and space in the fridge for it all and check the dates. We sent back a bunch of things including duplicate stuffing (substitutions!!) and a surfeit of pizzas. Next year, I'm going to buy some stuff earlier and freeze it. Just saying!

Bins next, then off to bed for a chat, a poem and sleep.  Gonna have to go in search of space (stuffing) early tomorrow. I do not want to go to a food shop again until after Christmas!!

Phoenix / 'Trying To Be Cool' / 'Bankrupt!' 

[[No comment]]

Shonen Knife / 'Space Christmas' / 'A Shonen Knife Christmas Record For You' 

[[Silly, but fun!]]

[[ ]]


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