Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 16th December 2021

Last working day of 2021! It all seems to have come to an end very fast, so I'll be very busy today tidying up loose ends until I return in January.

During the afternoon I had a call from the hospital from a doctor wanting to ask some questions before they performed an MRI scan on mother-in-law. I hope I am right about all the questions asked.

Tonight's Idler drinks is a Christmas carol (plus) sing-a-long with choirmaster James Sills.  Luckily for everyone else, no one will be able to hear me sing (in cyberspace no one can hear you scream!)

Unfortunately I couldn't stick around long in the after party as we had a Turkish takeaway delivered, courtesy of son #2's employers. Excellent food as always!

After that the usual stuff leading towards sleep!

Cassandra Jenkins / 'Michelangelo' /'An Overview on Phenomenal Nature' 

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