Tales From The Crypt - Christmas Eve (Friday 24th December 2021)

My plan for today is to get the final Christmas things I need to do done and then chill. We're planning to have a takeaway tonight and watch a film - I've chosen 'Pixie', which is not as seasonal as it may sound!

The passed in a blur of present-wrapping, card-writing and washing - there's always washing to do! - but it is the last of the washing sons 1 and 3 brought back from uni.

Sadly I also ended up entering a supermarket as the carers informed me that my wife was almost out of baby wipes plus the dudes needed more cereal, so son #3 and I braved it again, much to the amusement of one of the carers who said I'd never get through the day without going to the shops for something I'd forgotten.

I've also found time for conversations with a friend - I can always find time for that - and also a brief Signal catch-up with another friend in Berlin.

The chosen takeaway was some spicy Asian food from Big B's Wok (B for bollocks? Bastard? Barry?  Baldy? Who knows?), which made a very nice accompaniment to the movie 'Pixie', which was incidentally playing almost synchronously, in a house far, far away. Not. Not one, at least.

The evening ended with conversation in bed before sleep eventually arrived.  Tomorrow is the big one!

Todd Rundgren / 'Feel It' / 'Nearly Human' 

[[A fork eight production]]

Joni Mitchell / 'River' / 'Blue' 

[Back to the bleedin' miserable Christmas songs! AGAIN!!!!]]

[[ ]]


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