Tales From The Crypt - Friday 3rd December 2021

A busy working Friday which I'm hoping will see E discharged from hospital.

A call to the hospital late morning found E's nurse on a break, and so I agreed to call back later. When I did get to speak to the nurse in the early afternoon she indicated they wouldn't be letting E go home today as they weren't happy with her oxygen sats, though she remains off oxygen for the moment.

Having told the care agency the update I resigned myself to the fact that E would remain in hospital for the weekend.

Late in the afternoon the care agency called to say that the hospital now wanted to discharge E. Given the lateness in the day and the likelihood of her getting patient transport home any time before the evening carers had finished, there was a discussion to be had.  Based on what the hospital had said about E's oxygen, the fact that the care agency don't normally accept transfers after 1 pm on a Friday and, most significantly, the fact the agency don't like accepting someone home from hospital at the weekend when nursing cover is less, I reluctantly agreed to a discharge on Monday lunchtime. It was one of the toughest calls I have had to make and I hope I have made the right decision.

I didn't finish work until later than usual on a Friday as I wanted to make some final changes to something I was working on and also make a note of my consequent actions for Tuesday.  It's been a helluva week. Work's been busy, and the situation with E has been stressful: frequent calls with the hospital; several visits; the Covid worry and just the fact that every day it's seemed like she'd be home the next day, and then the rug was pulled on each occasion.

Talking of which, after finishing work I had to make my way to the hospital again to deliver more of E's feed to cover the time up until discharge (plus one!)

Once home from the hospital, I cleared up in the kitchen whilst chatting with a friend, before getting on with heating the dinner (we've gone for some really lazy Chinese ready dishes) accompanied by my NYE dance playlist.  Oh, and before I forget, I also helped liberate some wine and set it free on its circuitous trip to the sea via me.

I finally managed to finish watching the three hour OGWT documentary. It managed to be both interesting and yet frustrating at the same time. There were lots of tantalising snippets of songs that weren't played in full and, as it was hosted by whisperin' Bob himself, it was a bit biased towards his preferences, which are perhaps a bit tamer than mine. Other presenters also appeared (though not Annie Nightingale, except on video, sadly) to give a bit of balance and lots of famous names gave tributes, but the highlight for me was the footage of John Otway and Wild Willy Barrett's legendary performance during which John Otway nearly castrated himself on a speaker cabinet. John Otway was on the show to reminisce about the big break that the OGWT gave him (!!!). Had his stunt caused permanent damage they could have renamed themselves No Willy Otway and Wild Willy Barrett, or variations on that theme. Imagine the success they might have had!!!

After that I climbed skywards to chat with a good friend before I got ready for bed.

Stardust / 'Music Sounds Better With You' / '(Single)'

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