Tales From The Crypt - Friday 10th December 2021

A quick trip to the shops to buy some Christmas dinner essentials for tomorrow's pre-Christmas Christmas celebration. Getting in the mood*

After that, time to get stuck into work as I have loads to do, which means I'll not have a lot to say here.

Amongst the to-ings and fro-ings I managed to put the final decos on the bigger tree, apart from the bloody chocolate things that need knotting. (I wish they would get knotted, or at least come pre-knotted, as tying them is as fiddly as fuck (technical term)!)

I got some sad news during the day as my mother-in-law has had to be rushed to hospital after a fall at home.  Several calls from the hospital later I'm updated with the latest info, which doesn't sound good. She's being treated for an infection and scans show there's no damage to her head / brain, which is good, but she doesn't seem to be able to speak or keep her eyes open. Guess I need to keep an eye on things. Fingers crossed she gets better soon.

I make dinner in the evening and eat while watching a little more of the Phil Lynott documentary, which has been really good. The usual end to the day ensues...

Chaka Khan / 'Hello Happiness' / 'Hello Happiness'

[[ *: In the mood for what is not specified further here]]

[[ ]]


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