Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 9th December 2021

For some reason I've had a headache for most of this week, and today it's worse than ever. In a moment's reflection I have realised that I'm getting stressed by the things I need to get done and the feeling that I'm becoming overwhelmed by it all.  Apart from consuming large quantities of paracetamol I need to find time to list all the things that are stressing me out - quite a few of them Christmas-related - and decide on a plan to address each of them. Some of them are insoluble and I'll just have to live with them.

Work will dominate the waking hours, so I'll not have much to say until late...

Work is over and it's back to the Idler drinks tonight, the guest being Baxter Dury, musician, author and son of Ian Dury. Great conversation, questions and music, followed by a cool chat with my Idler friends.

Whilst I was enjoying myself son #2 made dinner, because he is a star, and we sat down and ate together while watching HIGNFY.

Tidying, talking, reading, hopefully followed by sleep!

Sybil / 'When I'm Good and Ready' / '(Single)'

[[Putting together a NYE playlist has uncovered a lot of dance songs that date back to before E and I had children, or even got married, in some cases.  I think this is from the SAW hit factory and, unusually, is a dance song the thrust (😉, sorry couldn't resist!) of whose message is 'no sex until I'm ready', which probably goes against the motivation of the vast majority of dance songs. That reason alone would make it worth choosing, but also it's incredibly catchy and danceable, so fuck it, here it is. I feel no guilt about any song or tune I like!]]

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