Tales From The Crypt - Monday 6th December 2021

Not quite the Monday I had expected, so reluctantly I had to give up yoga for this week. E is coming home from hospital and it's not absolutely clear when she'll arrive, so I'll need to set things up and coordinate with the care agency. Nevertheless I'm happy to give up yoga to get E back home again.

I started the day with a walk and talk followed by a trip to the shops to pick up meds, some Christmas food shopping, especially cards, and a search for a two-person turkey crown/joint. The turkey search was unsuccessful as there seems to be far less turkey around than in previous years, perhaps because it's coming into stores later this year.

After returning from the shops I was surprised by the arrival of our Christmas trees, which I wasn't expecting until the afternoon. Good job hadn't gone to yoga! In the event it was better they came this morning than in the afternoon when E is now expected home.

Son #2 went off to take his driving theory test whilst I made lunch after a call from the hospital to tell me that E was on her way.  A quick call to the care agency to let them know when she'll be back so that the 2 p.m. carer call can go ahead.

E is now home and shortly after the ambulance crew left, son #2 arrived home having passed his theory test (congratulations!), followed hot on his heels by the first carer visit in two weeks.

E is seems a lot better and now that the carers have been is much more settled and comfortable at home.

In the afternoon I finally finished the book club book, 'A Christmas Carol' (yes, that one!), ahead of tonight's book club meeting and secret Santa.

Ate dinner unusually early before heading off to the pub.

Back from my first book club meet in a few months.  Really enjoyed meeting friends old and new as well as discussing the book and the secret Santa excitement! My first present unwrapping of this Christmas!

Usual things leading to bed and sleep!

Layo & Bushwacka! / 'Love Story vs Finally (Tim Deluxe Mix)' / '(Single)'

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