Tales From The Crypt - Christmas Day (25th December 2021)

Merry Christmas everyone!

I am up first today just after the first carer arrives at 6:45 a.m., and after she leaves I get showered and dressed for a busy morning of cooking, starting with the final steps to complete the celeriac soup.

Son #3 is up first, and I decide not to put the turkey on until 10:30 at the earliest. I've decided today is going to be a chilled one for me too, and everyone can help prep the vegetables and sides and set up the extension/dining room for dinner. As has become traditional, we'll eat in with my wife, so that she can feel part of the celebration even though she can't eat.

Once everyone's up we make breakfast and eat accompanied by Christmas music - please can diarrhoea get home so he can stop singing about it.

Back to the kitchen to prep spuds, sprouts and parsnips while the turkey finishes cooking. Son #3 helps me get the turkey into resting mode, whilst the rest of the dinner starts cooking.

All three sons and son #1's gf get things set up for dinner, with son #2 erecting the table he and I got in from the garage, once we've moved much of E's medical and other stuff out the way.   

Dinner and clearing up out of the way, so time for games: first off we all played 'Cards Against Humanity', which was hilarious followed by 'Muffin Time' the rules of which are decidedly unusual.  After that we moved on some fun Xbox games, played via our phones which was in equal measures silly and fun.

Somehow we managed a Christmas Day which didn't involve any TV at all and was all the better for it.  I even stayed awake, despite the champagne.

After a chat with a friend I returned to the fray before heading for bed having enjoyed a really chilled and fun family Christmas, one of the best we've had since my wife ceased to fully participate.

Let the music begin...

Zoe Devlin Love ft. Tim Hutton /  'Caroline No' / 'Late Night Tales presents Version Excursion selected by Don Letts' 


The Flaming Lips / 'A Change at Christmas (Say It Isn't So)' / 'Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell' 

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