Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th December 2021

The new normal, at least for the moment, is that Saturday and Sunday's posts are combined as I'm often away for most of both days.  This will probably be short for that reason.  Actions speak louder than words and all that...

Saturday started as always: shopping and washing.  Slightly less regular, but becoming more so, I spent time packing for an overnight stay.

Whilst in the car returning from the shops Radcliffe and Maconie on BBC6 Music were discussing the once common phenomenon of people queuing outside gigs shouting 'Wally!' at the top of their lungs (and also 'Albatross!' if I recall correctly!).  Allegedly this had its origins in the 1970 Isle of Wight festival in 1970, where someone was calling for their mate (called 'Wally', I think it's safe to assume) and this then ended up being shouted over the PA too. They were discussing the idea of reintroducing the practice at gigs, and I must admit it did sound like a good idea.

Late morning I headed off for the south coast with various things loaded in the car.  A friend and I spent the afternoon Christmas shopping in Southampton before returning home for a Chinese food delivery and some rather wonderful Australian Shiraz.  After food we watched the enjoyably funny Irish comedy film 'Pixie', which I thoroughly recommend.

Sunday began with a trip out to get fresh almond croissants and bread before a trip to the loft to start bringing down Christmas decorations. During breakfast the hospital called to do a risk assessment about the hospital transport bringing E home on Monday.  I must admit when I saw it was the hospital ringing my heart started beating faster as I wasn't expecting a call from them.  After that we headed to the local shops for more Christmas food and present shopping. 

Sunday was over all too quickly and I headed north again to get set up for the week ahead.

Son #2 and I made dinner together though we ate separately as he was watching a movie with his gf.

Usual end to the day!

John Otway and Wild Willy Barratt / 'Really Free' / '(Single)'

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