
Showing posts from March, 2022

Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 30th March 2022

A slightly unusual middle of the week!  The cleaner is here today and so I've had to get up early.  You may wonder how 'unusual' that is, and I guess realistically it's not very high on the scale of unusual events, but then again when I'm working these are the things that add spice to life!!! Obviously, after that, things returned to the mundane. Work is on the menu for the rest of the day. Early evening I had a quick chat with son #3.  A slightly reluctant chat, in that he was expecting to have the discussion as a series of texts, but it was about arrangements to return home, and a favour I wanted to ask, so only the spoken word would do. It happened, which is what counts I guess. Form an orderly queue. After that I called my big sister for a much-needed catch up and update on my plans. Dinner with son #2 follows, which we ate while watching the end of the first episode of 'THT' and starting the second.  Bins next then a call with Q before she drifts off t...

Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 29th March 2022

You guessed it! Back to work! Which also means... ...the next thing I write about is heading to the dentist after work. See! There are fun things in my day. Not. Actually it was a pretty good visit to the hygienist and dentist for a check-up, well, apart from the hit on my wallet. The dentist even took some pretty pictures of the inside of my teeth, which are apparently good, though they look pretty vile to me.  Next visit in October. Fun, fun, fun, 'til...October. It was quite a late dentist appointment, so suddenly the evening is almost here, but...wait for least it's still light! (Face palm!) Time to call my little sister to see how she is and catch up on her news. I'm not going to elaborate here (it's her business not mine), but I do wish I could change things in her life and make things better. She is a good person and deserves better.  Sending love and best wishes. Back to here.  I've started making dinner and and I'm joined in the process by son #...

Tales From The Crypt - Monday 28th March 2022

The day begins early on the south coast: Q is working and I'm heading home.  Breakfast, packing, parting and on my way! Home again, home again, etc... On arrival I'm greeted by the usual table of plastic waste that needs to go to the garage, but, in general, son #2 has done a good job keeping the place tidy whist I've been away. No time for chilling today as there's a lot to organise, both in terms of our holiday and also E's respite.  I'm documenting E's daily care routine, med times and amounts etc to send to the nursing home, hopefully by the end of the day.  I also need to produce a list of meds, clothes, continence supplies, feed supplies etc to ensure she goes with everything she needs. I also need to check with the community matrons to find out when a couple of procedure are due. Oh, and I mustn't forget to check we have enough supplies of everything, and, if not, order more.  Military operation!!! The best thing about organising all these things ...

Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 27th March 2022

A leisurely start to Sunday, though we're noticing the loss of the hour due to the onset of British Summer Time.  Not only that but I think I must have eaten (or more likely drunk: the so-called coconut flat white that I bought yesterday didn't taste of coconut) something with lactose in it as my digestion is very dodgy. There's a bit of organising and planning to do after breakfast: Q's due to be interviewed by the BBC at work tomorrow so she needs to sort her clothes; both of us have Bullet Journals to set up for the week/month ahead; and there's also holiday planning... It took me a while to recognise the symptoms of lactose-intolerance as I have not experienced it for a long time. At it's worst it comes in two stages: the first symptom when it's in your stomach; then if you don't address that with Lactase (which I do, but probably a bit late), the second set of symptoms are in later stages of digestion, if I can politely put it that way.  Could be in...

Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 26th March 2022

An early start to Saturday as we need to vacate the house early. This fits well with our planned departure time of 10:15 to meet up with friends for a walk. During the cleaning up process (I'm doing the vacuuming!) Q started to feel a bit unwell: hopefully she'll be OK for the walk once we've had some breakfast. The best laid plans...: looks like things are coming adrift. Q really isn't feeling well enough to risk a long walk without amenities, so reluctantly we've had to bail. Unfortunately we do still have to leave the house though, so instead we head for the seafront grabbing a baguette and some cheese and ham (was due to be our picnic on the walk) and eat our breakfast in the sun (and sea breeze). Starting to feel better, especially after a coffee, but still not OK enough to be too far from facilities.  We return home around 12:00 and decide to go and get Q's car washed. After returning home with a freshly cleaned car, we decide to walk down towards the fron...

Tales From The Crypt - Friday 25th March 2022

I arose early, or rather we did, as it was a working day for both of us.  I'm doing my 'work life balance as a carer' presentation to the architects team at around 11:30, which will be good to do, if I can hold it together. During one of my morning calls, Q kindly made and brought me a coffee, an experience I've not had for a long time.  Feels good. Presentation over. It went very well but afterwards when people started sending caring messages, things got a bit emotional. As they do on occasions. Busy working day with a couple of calls with my reviewees, plus the usual shenanigans. After we had to take a monitor back to Q's work and came home via a food shop (picnic supplies for a walk tomorrow) and then a local fish and chip shop for tonight's dinner.   After a great dinner, another episode of MAFSA, and then bed - we're up early again tomorrow for a couple of reasons: cleaning the house before a viewing and going on a walk with friends. Black Rebel Motorcy...

Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 24th March 2022

Another day begins with a walk - it's a little chilly, but it looks like it's going to be a glorious day.   Today is like any other working Thursday, except that the cleaner is not here, so I didn't have to get up quite so early. She cancelled last night, apologising for the short notice, but it's the sort of change that's quite nice once in a while. Work dominates my day, with a smattering of packing tasks, as I'm off to the coast this evening, planning to leave sometime between 5:30 and 6:30, depending on how quickly I get packed, and, most importantly, when the carers arrive. At about 6:15 p.m. I depart! 90 minutes or so later I arrive at my destination, unload the car and park up. A lovely evening meal eaten, it's time for bed as we're both very tired. Until tomorrow! Mattiel / 'Lighthouse' / 'Georgia Gothic'   [[]]

Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Started the day with a walk and a talk with Q, a pretty good way to start any day! After that time to get on with work, got a busy day ahead as usual. Shopping was delivered mid-afternoon, otherwise work, work, work. After work I noticed that the contact lenses that were delivered have a different prescription for the left lens than the previous ones. The question is, which is right? (Obviously not the left ones) Phoned the branch but it's too late, they've closed. Left a message, so I guess it'll have to wait until tomorrow. As is becoming customary this week I end up making the dinner and eating alone, whilst watching the rest of 'The Apprentice' episode I was watching yesterday. Riveting! After a chat it's time to get ready for bed. Tomorrow is another day and, not only that, I should be heading for the south-coast tomorrow after work. Ibibio Sound Machine / 'Protection From Evil' / 'Electricity'   [[]]

Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Didn't go for a walk to start the day, despite the weather being good. Instead I set up for work early so I can create the presentation I outlined yesterday.   First draft created, it's time to get on with the day job proper. A day of all the usual things, primarily work related, until the end of the working day. Had an end of the working day chat with Q, then set about catching up on the end of the 'Outlaws' episode we started last night.   Turns out that not only am I making dinner, I'll also be eating alone, so it'll probably be another episode of 'The Apprentice'. Dinner eaten, and part of 'The Apprentice' watched - an especially tedious episode where Suge elaborates on why he fired the people he's already fired.  Time to head up for a chat with Q, having agreed with son #2 that he'll do the clearing up (at least anything I've not done). Time for sleep! Lava La Rue / 'Vest & Boxers' / (Single)   [[A look that works bet...

Tales From The Crypt - Monday 21st March 2022

As predicted last night, we're up early - Q for work (who queues for work?) and me to head north and home. Greased lightning. Rod. I arrive home at about 9:30 a.m., just before the morning carer call and, almost immediately, I'm back in the thick of it. Although it's my non-working day, I have a lot of things to do, including initial planning for a presentation I'll be doing at work on my experience of work life balance as a carer. Despite all the things I've had to organise / do, I did find time to catch up with MAFSA, so that Q and I can watch episodes neither of us have seen together. I also started reading the papers, but ran out of time before finishing them. In the afternoon I took advantage of it being my non-working day to drive son #2 to a hospital appointment, a good way to spend some quality time with him where we can talk, if only briefly. Managed to chat with Q several times, fitting around work and so forth. Made dinner with son #2 and then ate it whil...

Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 20th March 2022

Sunday at last.  Breakfast. Packing. Planning to leave for the south coast at around 10:30, but before that I must do a lateral flow test.  I'm pretty sure I'm but, it's safer for everyone if I take the test.  The result is negative again and I am now ready to drive south. The car is packed and just as I'm about to leave, a little later than planned, the carers arrive very early for the lunch call. I arrive at my destination just after 12:00 p.m., park up and head indoors. An afternoon of MAFSA and chilling before having dinner: pasta; home-made garlic bread; Basque Cheesecake; Australian Sauvignon blanc. More MAFSA then bed, ready to get up early and drive north when Q heads for work. Gat Decor / 'Passion (Do You Want It Right Now)' / (Single)   [[]]

Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 19th March 2022

This weekend I'll be making a lightning visit to the south coast, probably less than 24 hours from Sunday morning to Monday morning, hence I am here all day today, for a change.  Today will largely be back to the old routine, but with one major source of added excitement: I am going to hang the washing outside to dry!! In the end I do four wash loads just because it's so exciting hanging washing out. (N.B. That last sentence contains an untruth) Apart the unbridled joy of laundry, I also found time to finish off the first stage of the office reorg, which consists primarily of the desk clearance to accommodate my second monitor.   A bigger task I have is to remove a large number of books from my bedroom, but currently I cannot think where they can go or what they can replace. Radical thinking required. When the carers arrive for the final call of the day, I discover I have a fifth wash load to do.  My mind wanders back to an earlier conversation where I'd sa...

Tales From The Crypt - Friday 18th March 2022

The working week is coming to a close, heralding in the weekend and all the delights it may have to offer.  It's going to be a full-on working day, with no planned interruptions, until the day ends. The morning starts with fog and for some reason I'm not feeling the urge to walk, rather to get started with the working day, but not before a chat with Q.  I have decided that rather than beat myself up about not sticking to habits I want to sustain, I'm going to go with the way I'm feeling and let that determine my actions.  Life's too short! In the morning I get a call from the care home to let me know that the guy who needs to do the pre-assessment on E before admission will call in the afternoon, probably after 3:30 p.m. Late afternoon work is interrupted by a call from the care home and In spend about 20 minutes going through the pre-assessment.  We are one step closer to being able to go away! Form an orderly queue 😇 As work draws to a close I decide that my next...

Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 17th March 2022

Lots of things should happen today: expecting a call from a GP about whack-a-mole; new monitor courtesy of my employer is due for delivery; E and son #1's medication are due to be delivered; expecting a call from the nursing home regarding E's respite. First off, before even getting showered, is booking a shopping delivery slot for when we arrive on holiday in April.  That's done, after an initial scare, which is excellent news - the plan is slowly coming together. Walked again first thing, and again exceeded my 30 minutes target. It's a glorious morning if a little on the chilly side.  It's interesting to see all the surfaces dusted with a little Saharan sand after yesterday's yellow sky phenomena. Had an enjoyable chat with Q, as always and then we both had to start work... Spoken to the GP and she wants me to bring my head and 'mole' in for examination, though not until the 7th April. She asked if I'd like it removed and I said yes, assuming it ca...

Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 16th March 2022

Another working day with not much else to shout about. I did finally start the day with a walk again - over 30 minutes (just) - which was quite lucky timing-wise as not long after I got back the heavens opened.  Looks like the rain is set in for the day. Work dominates, apart from the odd chat and one exception: mid-morning there was an hour long work discussion with Dr Alice Roberts as part of International Women's Day (belated, owing to Dr Roberts just recovering from covid) celebrations. She has an incredible career history and is clearly off-the-scale clever, not to mention a wonderful role model. Amazing and inspiring in equal measure. Other than that the rest of the day has been the normal hand-to-hand combat that is work, with immense excitement generated by a decision-tree discussion! Optimistically (foolishly?) I'm hoping for a call back from the nursing home after leaving a message yesterday, but I won't hold my breath! Well that was a good decision.  As it got la...

Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 15th March 2021

It had to happen. It's Tuesday again and I'm back to work.  Just lately every day has been a busy day and today will be no exception.  Before that, however, I'm off to the GP surgery to see if I can get an appointment.  I'm there just in time for 8 a.m. and second in the queue. Why am I there? Well, I have a lumpy thing - which may be a mole (hey, moles! Stick to the bloody garden, please!) - and I want it checked over and/or whacked. It looks a bit angry, but I guess maybe it would prefer a garden too?  It turns out they're several GPs down and the person who's an expert on skin things (?) isn't in today,  so, by a process of elimination we agree it's not urgent (I've been hosting the mole for a while), and I agree to a call on Thursday.  It also seems to be the safest course of action since one of the receptionists, not the one assisting me, appears to have a) swallowed a wasp and is consequently a bit rattled and b) is almost certainly what some m...

Tales From The Crypt - Monday 14th March 2022

Up with the larks, gotta get my head in gear and set off home and let Q get to work.  After showering, I pack all my shit away then head down for breakfast with Q. Time evaporates and I need to hit the road.  It's a lovely morning so my journey should be a pleasant one. Which indeed it was. I have lots to do today, mainly because planning for our holiday in April is in full swing and there is a lot to coordinate for E to ensure she is well looked after while we are away.  I am expecting a call from a care home today to arrange an assessment visit for E before they will consider accepting her.  Amongst all the unpacking and organising I also have some washing to do for E, but hopefully I'll find time to read the papers. My new office chair, courtesy of my employer, was delivered, so I'm going to assemble that and then - worst part - cut up all the cardboard packaging (of which there is tons (boxes within boxes)) so it can go out with the recycling. Chair's made and no...

Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 12th March and Sunday 13th March 2022

Another two day post, written entirely after the events! Saturday started in the usual way though with the added excitement that the rest of the day is contingent on two lateral flow test results.  Luckily both are negative and so I'm heading south as soon as I can finish packing. Arrived to a warm welcome, which begins with some lunch.  Given both of us have been a little under the weather, we're going to have a chilled day, beginning with some episodes of 'Married At First Sight - Australia'.  In particular I am suffering with a case of coleslaw, which is somewhat limiting, but hey, ho! Let's go! (With apologies to the Ramones) Q decides to make a lemon and blueberry cake so, that's next on the agenda. 'MAFS-A' is not something I would typically watch, I must confess, however it does offer some useful discussion points and conversations, as well as showing lots of scenes of Sydney and  more.  Fascinating. Dinner is Asian-themed and very enjoyable, roun...

Tales From The Crypt - Friday 11th March 2022

Wake up and feel worse than yesterday, chest is heavy, stomach is not quite normal, bit of a headache, but lateral flow test says 'No!'.  Yep, negative again, though I'm beginning to wonder if I'm poking the sticks up too far into my brain. Work beckons and I get stuck in early as I have a lot to do today... The word from down south is still not good and Q had a rough night's sleep, but also a negative lateral flow test.  Nevertheless it's looking like I'm neither going out tonight (I really don't want to give anyone what I've got, well, at least virus-wise) nor heading for the sea, like a homing turtle returning for whatever it is they return for... Work then proceeds to occupy my day, totally, fully and absolutely...until the final work call of the day, which morphs into a Friday chat, during which I'm asked which is my absolutely favourite album that I'd take on a 15 hour road I've said previously (see yesterday's post) t...

Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 10th March 2022

Doesn't look like I'll be heading south tonight.  Both Q and I have had negative lateral flow tests, but neither of us are feeling right and Q's symptoms are worse than mine, but then again I have no reason to believe I have been exposed to Covid. Nevertheless, at the very least I'm growing a nasty cold. I don't fully trust the LFTs either. Several people I know have had symptoms, with LFTs showing negative up until the fifth day of testing. I am thus wary and being very cautious (still wearing masks when out as well) - keeping clear of E as I really don't want her to get Covid.  Checking for status updates during the day, but one thing is certain Q will not be going to Friday night's gathering. Trying to work whilst feeling a little off form, but all is cool on that front. I will, after all, be attending the Idler drinks tonight with Harry Mount talking about ancient Greece. (I tend to discard it before it starts to get discoloured) I'm not sure I'm...

Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 9th March 2022

One of them there working days, so probably not much to say. Immediate plans for the next few days are going awry.  Q has been exposed to someone Covid positive so we're both checking through Lateral Flow Tests.  We're both still negative, though Q is starting to feel unwell. I already had a mild sore throat since before the weekend, so I think I may be getting a cold, but just in case I keep taking the tests.  We did have plans for Friday night but it looks like, at best, only I will make it. Apart from that, the usual Wednesday evening cavalcade of pizza, bins and TV, culminating in a brief call before sleep threatens to overwhelm Q. Off to bed myself soon, but not before reading a poem and finishing the sections of the Observer I planned to read. Shygirl / 'FREAK' /  'Tasty' (EP)   [[]]

Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 8th March 2022

Another early start, which is very beneficial, as I have to drive home again this morning. I have the morning off as annual leave, but still need to be back for work in the afternoon. A good journey back interrupted only by the need to fill up with fuel. Used a lot in the last few days! First, though, I must phone the bank and warn of an unusually large transaction, and not to worry, I am only trying to make some very rich people even richer. Oily-garchs. Getting organised for the rest of the day, primarily work. Need a coffee before I get stuck in to work, then that'll be my focus for the rest of the day. The work, not the coffee, which will soon be gone. Quite an intense afternoon of meetings, but now it's over until tomorrow... Got a bit of a sore throat, so I'm doing an LFT. Can't be too careful. Result negative, but will probably do another tomorrow and maybe again on Thursday. LFT out of the way, I'm making dinner now, planning to sit down and eat with son #2 ...

Tales From The Crypt - Monday 7th March 2022

Up early to get ready to drive to the Peak District. It looks like a nice day for a road trip and we set off before 10:30. We arrive in plenty of time, despite it being around 200 miles to get there. I spend the day looking round a shopping centre (record shops, book shops - the usual haunts) and then make the local Costa my home whilst I read The Idler and drink coffee.  In parallel to my idling, an interview is taking place a few miles down't road (the boy's a fool!) Just as I'm thinking I should probably head back to pick before driving us home, I get a message saying the interview is over and so I'm off through rush-hour traffic. There's a bit of a mix up over the pick-up: one white car of similar shape is the same as another! Much laughter follows as we wend our way dahn sarf again. It's going to be quite a long journey so we pick up some grub to eat as we drive and a couple of things for when we get back. It's been a fun day but we're both knackere...

Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 6th March 2022

Great start to the day, with a trip to the local bakery, followed by a breakfast of porridge, fruit, coffee AND an almond croissant! Next up a trip to the shops to get tonight's dinner and some supplies for tomorrow's road trip north. Planning for a chilled day, once all the preparation for tomorrow is completed, or more accurately, I am chilling whilst the preparation is done.  I listen to Radcliffe and Maconie (without Maconie) in catch-up mode on the BBC Sounds app whilst I write stuff, plan and so forth, Preparation complete we spend the rest of the afternoon on the sofa watching TV, before a break to make dinner.  Roast pork and vegetables washed down with a glass or two of wine.  A very nice meal before returning to the sofa to finish watching what we'd started and then get ready for bed. We have an early start tomorrow, so not too late! The Cult / 'She Sells Sanctuary' /  'Love'   [[]]

Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 5th March 2022

Woke around 2 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. Not helped by the return of my sons separately between 3 and 5 a.m. The first return was noisy due to chatting, the second due to son #2 (I believe) trying to remove the key safe from the wall then hammer it back on again.  At least he didn't use an electric drill into the brickwork, though I'm not sure that would have been much noisier.  Someone somewhere doesn't like me sleeping! The first carer arrived at 6:50 a.m. and I was fresh from the shower and wetter than an otter's pocket, so I threw on my dressing gown and went downstairs to set the house up for the day. Dry and dressed now and ready for a quick chat with a cool cat before heading to the shops in search of further supplies. Home now, drinking coffee, listening to the Radcliffe (without Maconie) BBC radio show, getting the first wash load on before doing the washing up. Slight change of plans: in the end I ate my breakfast before washing up as I was (am) ...