Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 30th March 2022

A slightly unusual middle of the week!  The cleaner is here today and so I've had to get up early.  You may wonder how 'unusual' that is, and I guess realistically it's not very high on the scale of unusual events, but then again when I'm working these are the things that add spice to life!!!

Obviously, after that, things returned to the mundane. Work is on the menu for the rest of the day.

Early evening I had a quick chat with son #3.  A slightly reluctant chat, in that he was expecting to have the discussion as a series of texts, but it was about arrangements to return home, and a favour I wanted to ask, so only the spoken word would do. It happened, which is what counts I guess.

Form an orderly queue.

After that I called my big sister for a much-needed catch up and update on my plans.

Dinner with son #2 follows, which we ate while watching the end of the first episode of 'THT' and starting the second.  Bins next then a call with Q before she drifts off to sleep, under the watchful eye of her cat.

After clearing up downstairs, it was time for bed for me too.

Lucy Dacus / 'Kissing Lessons' / (Single)



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