Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 1st March 2022

Started the day on the south coast and then headed north for work. The journey was pretty good initially, but began to go awry when joining the M3 from M27.  The M3 was slow until north of Winchester and didn't have too much impact on my journey time, however the final leg - a mere 9 miles or so - took between 30 and 45 minutes!!

Down to work now...and will remain so until the evening.

Work is just about complete - it's gone 7 pm and I've had enough for the day.  Just asking for next Tuesday morning off as annual leave as I may be going to Derby on Monday, but not with Joan.

After making / eating dinner tonight I'm going to make American-style pancakes (or should that be Australian-style?), something I've never done before.

Dinner and pancakes made and eaten.  The pancake verdict? They weren't bad for a first attempt and the only question is, should they have been better. They were OK, though at the moment I think I still prefer English pancakes. I need to try some made by an expert, clearly. The main advantage is not having the embarrassment of tossing. Ah, well, until the next time.

Boards of Canada / 'Music is Math' / 'Geogaddi'

[['Geogaddi' is 20 years old now!]]


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