Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 29th March 2022

You guessed it! Back to work! Which also means...

...the next thing I write about is heading to the dentist after work. See! There are fun things in my day. Not. Actually it was a pretty good visit to the hygienist and dentist for a check-up, well, apart from the hit on my wallet. The dentist even took some pretty pictures of the inside of my teeth, which are apparently good, though they look pretty vile to me.  Next visit in October. Fun, fun, fun, 'til...October.

It was quite a late dentist appointment, so suddenly the evening is almost here, but...wait for it...at least it's still light! (Face palm!)

Time to call my little sister to see how she is and catch up on her news. I'm not going to elaborate here (it's her business not mine), but I do wish I could change things in her life and make things better. She is a good person and deserves better.  Sending love and best wishes.

Back to here.  I've started making dinner and and I'm joined in the process by son #2. Once made, we sit and start watching the first episode of 'The Handmaid's Tale', though we don't finish it as I interrupt proceedings to go and talk with Q, before she drops off to sleep. Luckily I have read 'The Handmaid's Tale' as I always prefer to read the book first, and so far it is faithful to the book. It's a pretty harrowing story which makes tough viewing, but so far they have managed to capture the uneasiness that the book evokes.

Time to clear up downstairs before heading to bed myself.

Curtis Harding / 'I Won't Let You Down' / 'If Words Were Flowers'

[[4 ewe queue!]]


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