Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 8th March 2022

Another early start, which is very beneficial, as I have to drive home again this morning. I have the morning off as annual leave, but still need to be back for work in the afternoon.

A good journey back interrupted only by the need to fill up with fuel. Used a lot in the last few days! First, though, I must phone the bank and warn of an unusually large transaction, and not to worry, I am only trying to make some very rich people even richer. Oily-garchs.

Getting organised for the rest of the day, primarily work.

Need a coffee before I get stuck in to work, then that'll be my focus for the rest of the day. The work, not the coffee, which will soon be gone.

Quite an intense afternoon of meetings, but now it's over until tomorrow...

Got a bit of a sore throat, so I'm doing an LFT. Can't be too careful. Result negative, but will probably do another tomorrow and maybe again on Thursday.

LFT out of the way, I'm making dinner now, planning to sit down and eat with son #2 and watch the third episode of 'Trigger Point'.

After dinner a brief chat (tiredness) then to bed and to sleep.

Killing Joke / 'Lord of Chaos' / 'Lord of Chaos' (EP)



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