Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 26th March 2022

An early start to Saturday as we need to vacate the house early. This fits well with our planned departure time of 10:15 to meet up with friends for a walk.

During the cleaning up process (I'm doing the vacuuming!) Q started to feel a bit unwell: hopefully she'll be OK for the walk once we've had some breakfast.

The best laid plans...: looks like things are coming adrift. Q really isn't feeling well enough to risk a long walk without amenities, so reluctantly we've had to bail.

Unfortunately we do still have to leave the house though, so instead we head for the seafront grabbing a baguette and some cheese and ham (was due to be our picnic on the walk) and eat our breakfast in the sun (and sea breeze).

Starting to feel better, especially after a coffee, but still not OK enough to be too far from facilities. 

We return home around 12:00 and decide to go and get Q's car washed. After returning home with a freshly cleaned car, we decide to walk down towards the front in search of lunch. At least we've done some walking!

Near the front everywhere is very busy so we return to a bar/gastropub nearer home for lunch. I have a variation on smoked salmon and scrambled egg (very yum) while Q has poached egg on avocado on toast with some bacon thrown in for good measure. Washed down with an excellent pint of cider (in my case!), bottled water and diet coke.

After our evening meal we settled down to watch the first episode of 'Hidden' and another of MAFSA.

Time for bed...

Röyksopp / 'This Time, This Place....' ft. Beki Mari / 'Profound Mysteries'



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