Tales From The Crypt - Monday 28th February 2022

Monday gets off to a great start with a superb breakfast, followed by watching the end the 'Trigger Point' finale, and, surprise surprise, they are planning a second series.

After that time to head out to get some shopping for tonight's dinner, plus a few other essentials including some stuff for pancakes tomorrow night.

There's furniture to be delivered this afternoon, sometime between 2 and 5. Just as we settle down for a brief bullet journal interlude, the delivery arrives at around 2:15 pm.  Once the furniture is inside it's time to unpack it and put it where it's planned to go: unfortunately the chest of drawers won't fit up the staircase, so a quick change of plans provides an alternative location.  Once all the items are sorted the chest of drawers looks good in its new location, so hey, result!

After the excitement of furniture unpacking and placing, time to prep some of tonight's dinner.  An Aqua exercise class beckons, for one of us at least, so getting the dinner prepped first is a good shout.

After that we settle down to watch an episode of 'Silent Witness', the first of a two-part story which we plan to complete today, all being well.

Whilst I am away I am in touch with the carers and son #2 to make sure everything is well at home.  I'll be back there tomorrow morning, so back to normal duties.

Dinner eaten, settling down to watch the rest of the 'Silent Witness' story, before heading up to bed and sleep, eventually.

PM Dawn / 'Set A Drift On Memory Bliss' / (Single)



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