Tales From The Crypt - Friday 18th March 2022

The working week is coming to a close, heralding in the weekend and all the delights it may have to offer.  It's going to be a full-on working day, with no planned interruptions, until the day ends.

The morning starts with fog and for some reason I'm not feeling the urge to walk, rather to get started with the working day, but not before a chat with Q.  I have decided that rather than beat myself up about not sticking to habits I want to sustain, I'm going to go with the way I'm feeling and let that determine my actions.  Life's too short!

In the morning I get a call from the care home to let me know that the guy who needs to do the pre-assessment on E before admission will call in the afternoon, probably after 3:30 p.m.

Late afternoon work is interrupted by a call from the care home and In spend about 20 minutes going through the pre-assessment.  We are one step closer to being able to go away! Form an orderly queue 😇

As work draws to a close I decide that my next job is to clear my desk to make way for my second monitor.  On the upside, it will make my desk much clearer but on the downside I'll have to sort through the debris and also find new homes for the displaced.  This is the nearly finished desktop, give or take a few angle of the dangle adjustments...

I've found homes for most things but there's pile of bits and pieces that need sorting and re-homing, but they can wait until tomorrow as I'm feeling kinda a hungry, though for what remains to be seen...

...tonight, we're going Asian with some Itsu noodles, gyoza, bao buns and stir fry, inspired by Q.

Son #2 helps me with the dinner and we sit down and watch another episode of 'Outlaws'.

Another chat with Q, before sleep, naturally...

Porij / 'Figure Skating' / (Single)



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