Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 15th March 2021

It had to happen. It's Tuesday again and I'm back to work.  Just lately every day has been a busy day and today will be no exception. 

Before that, however, I'm off to the GP surgery to see if I can get an appointment.  I'm there just in time for 8 a.m. and second in the queue. Why am I there? Well, I have a lumpy thing - which may be a mole (hey, moles! Stick to the bloody garden, please!) - and I want it checked over and/or whacked. It looks a bit angry, but I guess maybe it would prefer a garden too?  It turns out they're several GPs down and the person who's an expert on skin things (?) isn't in today,  so, by a process of elimination we agree it's not urgent (I've been hosting the mole for a while), and I agree to a call on Thursday.  It also seems to be the safest course of action since one of the receptionists, not the one assisting me, appears to have a) swallowed a wasp and is consequently a bit rattled and b) is almost certainly what some might term 'a fun sponge'. Even though she is not helping me, she is 'helping' her colleague by interjecting in a less than cheerful manner.

Amongst the work meetings and so on, I'm hoping to hear back from the hotel about our evening meal date requests for our holiday (fingers crossed) and the care home which E will be going to for respite care.

Work is now under way.

During the day the hotel called and confirmed our dinner requests, bar one, which we have agreed to relocate to the other hotel on site.

Work is coming to close and I've had to chase the care home as they've still not called me. Unfortunately the person I speak to (eventually) cannot directly help me, but arranges for someone to (not) call me back.

The working day is coming to a close and I'll hopefully be speaking to Q again before I start making the dinner.

The chat came to pass, and now I'm making the dinner. Son #2 and I eat together whilst watching the first episode of 'Outlaws', which is very funny.

Another chat then time for bed!

The Lazy Eyes / 'Tangerine' / 'EP1' (EP!!)



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