Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Didn't go for a walk to start the day, despite the weather being good. Instead I set up for work early so I can create the presentation I outlined yesterday.  

First draft created, it's time to get on with the day job proper.

A day of all the usual things, primarily work related, until the end of the working day.

Had an end of the working day chat with Q, then set about catching up on the end of the 'Outlaws' episode we started last night.  

Turns out that not only am I making dinner, I'll also be eating alone, so it'll probably be another episode of 'The Apprentice'.

Dinner eaten, and part of 'The Apprentice' watched - an especially tedious episode where Suge elaborates on why he fired the people he's already fired. 

Time to head up for a chat with Q, having agreed with son #2 that he'll do the clearing up (at least anything I've not done).

Time for sleep!

Lava La Rue / 'Vest & Boxers' / (Single)

[[A look that works better on women than men!]]


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