Tales From The Crypt - Monday 21st March 2022

As predicted last night, we're up early - Q for work (who queues for work?) and me to head north and home. Greased lightning. Rod.

I arrive home at about 9:30 a.m., just before the morning carer call and, almost immediately, I'm back in the thick of it.

Although it's my non-working day, I have a lot of things to do, including initial planning for a presentation I'll be doing at work on my experience of work life balance as a carer.

Despite all the things I've had to organise / do, I did find time to catch up with MAFSA, so that Q and I can watch episodes neither of us have seen together. I also started reading the papers, but ran out of time before finishing them.

In the afternoon I took advantage of it being my non-working day to drive son #2 to a hospital appointment, a good way to spend some quality time with him where we can talk, if only briefly.

Managed to chat with Q several times, fitting around work and so forth.

Made dinner with son #2 and then ate it while watching another episode of 'Outlaws', though I didn't quite see the end of it: Q was getting tired, so we had a call while son #2 watched the rest.  Guess I'll catch up on the last 15 minutes or so tomorrow.

Low / 'All Night' / 'HEY WHAT'



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