Tales From The Crypt - Friday 4th March 2022

Another night of disturbed sleep for reasons unknown.  Up early for work, preceded by a quick trip to the shops to get essential supplies for the weekend.

Back before 8:30 with a coffee and time to get down to work.  Lots to do today, so getting stuck in.

There's been a tedious bit of admin I've needed to do for work for some time, but I've been putting it off because I'm sure there's a better way to do it. Finally decided to try and work out a way to do it in bulk as opposed to one document at a time.  Cracked it! It's quite convoluted, but way better than doing it by email a document at a time. It's taken me beyond 6 p.m. (and I'd planned to finish a little earlier) but at last I have done it!! 

Son #2 is off out tonight and I've just learned that son #1 and his gf are also going to the same party and will be staying here tonight and tomorrow night. Had to change tomorrow's shopping delivery as apparently son #1 and gf will need dinner tomorrow night. Probably would have been good if someone had mentioned these plans to me. I won't actually be here for dinner tomorrow night, but hey! WTF!

Cooking some lamb and veg before sitting down with dinner and wine to (half) watch the latest episode of 'The Apprentice'.

It is with regret, but you're tired! Cleared up the mess and went upstairs to chat with a cat. Cool.

Hoodoo Gurus / 'Death Defying' / 'Mars Needs Guitars'



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