Tales From The Crypt - Monday 14th March 2022

Up with the larks, gotta get my head in gear and set off home and let Q get to work.  After showering, I pack all my shit away then head down for breakfast with Q.

Time evaporates and I need to hit the road.  It's a lovely morning so my journey should be a pleasant one.

Which indeed it was.

I have lots to do today, mainly because planning for our holiday in April is in full swing and there is a lot to coordinate for E to ensure she is well looked after while we are away.  I am expecting a call from a care home today to arrange an assessment visit for E before they will consider accepting her.  Amongst all the unpacking and organising I also have some washing to do for E, but hopefully I'll find time to read the papers.

My new office chair, courtesy of my employer, was delivered, so I'm going to assemble that and then - worst part - cut up all the cardboard packaging (of which there is tons (boxes within boxes)) so it can go out with the recycling.

Chair's made and no longer missing. Son #3 can have my old office chair and his can go to the dump (it's knackered) when next I go. It is more comfortable than my old one and black, so pretty cool. For a chair.

The balls are rolling or the plates are spinning - either way holiday planning has moved up a gear and I even found time to read the papers.

Neither the care home or the hotel have got back to me, despite saying they would, I guess this is part of the new normal - everywhere is short staffed. I guess I'll be chasing people tomorrow!

After a chat with Q, I'm starting dinner, hopefully with some final assistance by son #2.  We sit down together and watch the final episode of 'Trigger Point' before I head upstairs for a chat with Q before she falls asleep.

Back down for a bit of clearing up, before heading for bed myself, also feeling a little tired.

Cat Power / 'White Mustang' / 'Covers'



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