Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 16th March 2022

Another working day with not much else to shout about. I did finally start the day with a walk again - over 30 minutes (just) - which was quite lucky timing-wise as not long after I got back the heavens opened.  Looks like the rain is set in for the day.

Work dominates, apart from the odd chat and one exception: mid-morning there was an hour long work discussion with Dr Alice Roberts as part of International Women's Day (belated, owing to Dr Roberts just recovering from covid) celebrations. She has an incredible career history and is clearly off-the-scale clever, not to mention a wonderful role model. Amazing and inspiring in equal measure.

Other than that the rest of the day has been the normal hand-to-hand combat that is work, with immense excitement generated by a decision-tree discussion!

Optimistically (foolishly?) I'm hoping for a call back from the nursing home after leaving a message yesterday, but I won't hold my breath!

Well that was a good decision.  As it got later and later I decided to call the nursing home and, after two attempts, I managed to speak to someone. No actual progress, but someone took the details who seemed like they'd take some action. Tomorrow will tell!

It is of course the night of the long bins, so after work, that's my first job.

Son #2 has taken over the dinner process tonight, so I get some bits of work done before we sit down and watch the second episode of 'Outlaws'. I'm rather enjoying this.

Q is really tired and I interrupt 'Outlaws' for a quick chat before she goes to sleep. 

Watched the end of the episode and then things got really exciting and we put the rubbish out, or at least the rubbish that the foxes aren't interested in or can't get at. The rest can wait until first thing tomorrow.

And now to bed...

Max Richter / 'Path 3' / 'Sleep'



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