Tales From The Crypt - Monday 28th March 2022

The day begins early on the south coast: Q is working and I'm heading home.  Breakfast, packing, parting and on my way!

Home again, home again, etc...

On arrival I'm greeted by the usual table of plastic waste that needs to go to the garage, but, in general, son #2 has done a good job keeping the place tidy whist I've been away.

No time for chilling today as there's a lot to organise, both in terms of our holiday and also E's respite.  I'm documenting E's daily care routine, med times and amounts etc to send to the nursing home, hopefully by the end of the day.  I also need to produce a list of meds, clothes, continence supplies, feed supplies etc to ensure she goes with everything she needs. I also need to check with the community matrons to find out when a couple of procedure are due. Oh, and I mustn't forget to check we have enough supplies of everything, and, if not, order more.  Military operation!!!

The best thing about organising all these things is that I managed to listen to Sunday's 'Freak Zone' in its entirety. A couple of cool new discoveries!

I had hoped to find time to read the papers, but that's not going to work out, I don't think.

Making dinner now before son #2 and I watch the final episode of 'Outlaws' together.  Around lunchtime son #2 and I had a bit of a chat, which was good.

Talk to Q, get ready for bed and hopefully sleep.

Aksak Maboul / 'Eyelids and Phosphenes' (Aksak Maboul Reconstruction) / 'Redrawn Figures 1'



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