Tales From The Crypt - Friday 11th March 2022

Wake up and feel worse than yesterday, chest is heavy, stomach is not quite normal, bit of a headache, but lateral flow test says 'No!'.  Yep, negative again, though I'm beginning to wonder if I'm poking the sticks up too far into my brain.

Work beckons and I get stuck in early as I have a lot to do today...

The word from down south is still not good and Q had a rough night's sleep, but also a negative lateral flow test.  Nevertheless it's looking like I'm neither going out tonight (I really don't want to give anyone what I've got, well, at least virus-wise) nor heading for the sea, like a homing turtle returning for whatever it is they return for...

Work then proceeds to occupy my day, totally, fully and absolutely...until the final work call of the day, which morphs into a Friday chat, during which I'm asked which is my absolutely favourite album that I'd take on a 15 hour road trip...as I've said previously (see yesterday's post) there is no such album, however I had to say the album which would HAVE TO accompany me to a desert island would be Todd Rundgren's smorgasbord stream-of-consciousness that is 'A Wizard A True Star'. They may well conclude that I'm crazy, but hey, WTF!!! It's so good, I'm going to have to listen to it again myself.

Feeling lazy tonight so we order a takeaway - I'm having fish & chips - it is a Friday after all.

After listening to AWATS the food arrives and I settle down to eat it while watching 'The Apprentice'.  It's a cracker - the teams have to come up with a new baby food and one team produces a label that appears to read 'Baby Dies'.  Don't reckon that'll go down well with shops or parents, but hey!  Not only that but when it comes to the boardroom, neither team managed a single sale. Not sure I've ever seen that.  Afterwards, there are only women left. Not that surprised, to be honest.

More music, a chat with Q then sleep. Let's see what tomorrow brings...

Todd Rundgren / 'Hungry For Love' / 'A Wizard A True Star'



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