Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 19th March 2022

This weekend I'll be making a lightning visit to the south coast, probably less than 24 hours from Sunday morning to Monday morning, hence I am here all day today, for a change. 

Today will largely be back to the old routine, but with one major source of added excitement: I am going to hang the washing outside to dry!! In the end I do four wash loads just because it's so exciting hanging washing out. (N.B. That last sentence contains an untruth)

Apart the unbridled joy of laundry, I also found time to finish off the first stage of the office reorg, which consists primarily of the desk clearance to accommodate my second monitor.   A bigger task I have is to remove a large number of books from my bedroom, but currently I cannot think where they can go or what they can replace. Radical thinking required.

When the carers arrive for the final call of the day, I discover I have a fifth wash load to do.  My mind wanders back to an earlier conversation where I'd said, 'that's it, four washes, the washing is all hung out, I'm doing no more'. Unfortunately a mistake by one of the less regular carers (I think it was a case of the fourth stage of the four stages of competence) meant that E was bathed in nutrisan, as was the bedding, nightie, teddy, and hand splint, hence washing. Life is full of surprises!

For various reasons outside of my control Q and I have only managed brief snatches of conversation during the day, hopefully to be rectified around bedtime.

Son #2 tells me he's having a virtual KFC with his gf over Zoom tonight, so I'll be eating all the curry on my own. 

Early evening my baby sister and I have a long chat and life, the universe and everything.  She is having a tough time and I share my thoughts on her dilemma and also an update on what's happening with me.  Someone arrives at the front door during the call, and it turns out to be son #2's KFC delivery. Amazingly, though he is expecting food he doesn't hear the front door bell (the ringer of which I moved upstairs nearer to him so he can hear it when I'm not around) and I have to take the food in whilst talking to my sister.  I call upstairs and ask if he heard the front door and he says, 'No!'. FFS!

I sit down to eat my curry and have to decide what to watch: I'm up to date with 'The Apprentice' so instead tonight I watch a couple of episodes of 'MAFS-A', which is becoming worryingly compulsive viewing. OMG!

After tidying up, a message indicates Q is getting tired and so I go up for a chat before finally getting ready for bed myself.

Rheinzand / 'Love Games' / 'Atlantis Atlantis'

[[If you are of a certain age, this may sound familiar!]]


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