Tales From The Crypt - Monday 7th March 2022

Up early to get ready to drive to the Peak District.

It looks like a nice day for a road trip and we set off before 10:30.

We arrive in plenty of time, despite it being around 200 miles to get there. I spend the day looking round a shopping centre (record shops, book shops - the usual haunts) and then make the local Costa my home whilst I read The Idler and drink coffee.  In parallel to my idling, an interview is taking place a few miles down't road (the boy's a fool!)

Just as I'm thinking I should probably head back to pick before driving us home, I get a message saying the interview is over and so I'm off through rush-hour traffic.

There's a bit of a mix up over the pick-up: one white car of similar shape is the same as another! Much laughter follows as we wend our way dahn sarf again.

It's going to be quite a long journey so we pick up some grub to eat as we drive and a couple of things for when we get back.

It's been a fun day but we're both knackered, for different reasons.  Sleep beckons!

Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band / 'Kismet' / 'Dear Scott'



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