Tales from The Crypt - Monday 5th September 2022

An awful day in prospect. Today Conservative party members, roughly 180,000 people (less than 0.5% of the people in the UK eligible to vote), and totally unrepresentative of the UK population, get to decide who our prime minister should be. A choice between two morally bankrupt, dishonest and deluded people.  How did things sink this low?

Today I must start planning what needs to be done when E dies. That's a more cheerful prospect than the thought of Liz Truss becoming prime minister.

Well, there goes the neighbourhood: thick Lizzy is PM. No surprise there, for the obvious reason.

I have the start of a plan for E, though it's just a framework around which to hang the detail, gotta start somewhere though if one has to start it, which sadly I do.

We need NRS healthcare to come out and fix E's air mattress ASAP, resulting in a few calls. We're expecting them tomorrow when the carers are here at lunchtime - E will have to be hoisted out of the bed for them to fix it, so timing is crucial. I am crossing everything (even the path of a black cat) in the hope this all comes together.

Social services also called: they want to visit to discuss continuing healthcare funding, aka CHC, three letters guaranteed to send a shiver down my spine.  I'm still not over our last attempt to apply for that in 2018. Looks like a busy week of juggling work and life for me.

I'm off out to book club tonight, for the first time in quite a while, so I'm having dinner alone, early. Tonight, the book club meeting will be discussing 'Piranesi' by Susannah Clarke, a book I've not read, though maybe by the end of the night I may be persuaded to read it. I'm mainly going to catch up with people I've not seen for a while.

Thunder, lightning, torrential downpours!  I took the bus in and out of town for book club, taxis are getting ridiculously expensive, and was surprised on leaving the pub that I was going to get wet on the outside as well. It was an exciting bus ride home, illuminated randomly by pure white light, and the final walk from the bus stop to home managed to drench me. My poor hair!

Book club was good fun, it was good to catch up with old friends and meet some new people.

I head for bed with my brain abuzz...

Soccer Mommy / 'Shotgun' / 'Sometimes Forever'

[[Love this!]]


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