Tales From The Crypt - Boxing Day / St. Stephen's Day (Monday 26th December 2022)

Can you say, 'Happy Boxing Day'? Well, I just have, so there it is.

I'll probably not write much today, like yesterday, as I'll be too busy doing it. Being present in the moment.

Today's dinner is a beef joint which I'm cooking in the slow cooker, served with all the Christmas trimmings and Yorkshire puddings, of course.  We have a seafood starter, because we all love seafood, after all. We eat in the same room as E, as always, so that she can feel part of Christmas, in some way.

I also bit the bullet and found a moment to tell E about her dad's death on Christmas Day.  As with almost everything I say to her, I don't know if she understood what I said, or took it in, but there was no reaction from her. At least none that I could detect.

Early evening sons 1, 3 and I, played a few rounds of a card game called Mantis, which is named after the Mantis Shrimp (who he?), rather than the religious one (I know!!!) We all won a game and then we had the decider, which son #1 won.  It was fun, and that's what counts.

Talking of counts (don't worry, this isn't going to be about the Chancellor of the Exchequer?) In the evening we had cheese and crackers whilst watching the Christmas ghost story, 'Count Magnus', followed by Shaun the Sheep.  'Count Magnus' was good, based on an M.R. James story, after all who doesn't love a ghost story at Christmas? (Actually I know several people, but hey...)

And now it only remains for me to head for bed...ending the day in the usual way.

Ibibio Sound Machine / '17 18 19' / 'Electricity'



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