Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 29th December 2022

I've got a few minor chores to do today, quite a few are admin jobs that I need to do on E's behalf, not to mention filing in my office that I've not found time for in weeks. So much paperwork!

I'm going to fit the jobs around some things I need to do purely for myself.  I'm doing some planning for the next 12 months, and this will probably be split across the next few days. It needs a lot of thought. Uninterrupted thought.

One indulgence will be watching John Huston's film, 'The Dead', from 1987. It's only available on YouTube, as far as I can tell, though perhaps one of the more film-buff oriented streaming services might have it.  It's certainly very hard to get in physical form, despite the awards it won.

'The Dead' was excellent, it's fairly faithful to the story and dialogue from the novel is spoken by the characters. If you'll pardon the pun, it really brings the story to life, though some characters are not as I imagined them. Perhaps my favourite quote from the story, rendered in full (this is only an excerpt) as a voice over by Gabriel Conroy landed with great impact: "One by one, we're all becoming shades. Better to pass boldly into that other world, in the full glory of some passion, than fade and wither dismally with age.One other thing that didn't come across that clearly in the film was Gabriel's lust and desire for Gretta, a fire snuffed out by Gretta's tale from her past.  I must track down a copy of the film on BD, if that's possible.

Having enjoyed the film, I decided to attack the filing.  One good thing about filing is that I can catch up on the Freak Zone 'Folk Horror Christmas Special' whilst I'm doing it.

Son #3 is in Spain with his gf, which is good.  I suspect it may be nicer there than here, weather-wise.

A couple of the carers have invited me to a New Year's Eve drinking session, though I will have to say I'll not be drinking as much as in the past.  I'm cutting back. A lot. 😇😮 I don't enjoy seeing the New Year in alone, for some reason I find it rather depressing, though the year ahead looks more positive (mostly) than many previous ones.  It's a kind offer and I look forward to it.

As one leaves, another arrives. Son #1's gf is arriving this evening and I start the dinner just before she arrives. 

Over dinner we watch the animation, 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse', based on the Charlie Mackesy book of the same name. I think we all enjoyed it, I know I did. Initially I'd been watching a BBC Four documentary on Ken Dodd, which was also good.  'The Diddy Men' 😂😂😂

I ended my day in the usual way. Distance, distance, distance.

Fontaines D.C. / 'Jackie Down The Line' / 'Skinty Fia'



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