Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 27th December 2022

I have agreed with son #3 that I'll make celeriac soup today.  It's a Christmas family favourite and we've had seafood starters the last two days.  What else I will do, who knows? The only thing I have decided is that I won't be going to the shops!

I'm going to read James Joyce' short story, 'The Dead', which is the last story in 'Dubliners' and is set at Christmas.  It's a story of great subtlety and nuance (as are all the tales in 'Dubliners') and so I need to savour every word and sentence.  Once I've finished it, I'm going to watch John Huston's film version of the story, which is supposed to be excellent.

Amongst all the usual interruptions that we get every day, I did manage to start 'The Dead', but not finish it.  Maybe tomorrow.

This week, but not today, alas, I need to sit down somewhere quiet and do some planning for 2023. It could well be a year of much change, though exactly how much is uncertain.

After lunch son #3 and I made celeriac soup. We'll have it as a starter before tonight's salmon.

We ate dinner whilst watching 'The Detectorists' Christmas special, which was excellent and featured the briefest appearance by Professor Alice Roberts. Shame.

Off to bed via a chat with Q who made a visit to the Lake District today, in particular the Windermere area and the Lakeland mega-shop.

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