Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 4th December 2022

The day has finally come.  Son #1 and I need to return home from a wonderful week in Liverpool.  Great company, many laughs and some delicious food, both at home and in restaurants.  One of the highlights of the week was son #1 and I being able to be present for Q's inaugural lecture.

The day begins with moving q's mother back in followed by a breakfast of French toast, bacon and maple syrup, washed down with a fine cup of coffee.

Son #1 was a little later appearing, but nevertheless he did well and we were ready to leave a little after midday.

Home now after a fairly good journey with a single pit-stop at the services before the final leg of the journey.

We made dinner in time for the first half of the England vs Senegal football match, which we watched to the unusually enjoyable end.

Time for bed, I think.  Tomorrow is the first day of the replacement of the en-suite, so we're all facing a week of upheaval.

Aoife Nessa Frances / 'Way To Say Goodbye' / 'Protector'



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