Tales From The Crypt - Monday 12th December 2022

Today is going to be a day of travelling, with the consequence that I'll not be writing much here, I suspect.

Q's already gone to work and I'm packing my stuff and loading it into the car in sub-zero temperatures (it's -4C at the moment). Luckily, after the weekend purchases I'm keeping warm, especially my head.

The car is now loaded and I'm about to warm it up, clear the snow and ice and then head off. See ya later!

That was a fun journey!  I got home between 1 and 2 pm after a pitstop at the services. For most of the journey the temperature was below freezing, but got warmer slowly as I headed into the midlands and south. Parts of the journey were very scenic (when it wasn't foggy!) with the snow-covered fields and hills very atmospheric and seasonal. Beautiful.

Having unloaded the car, I have a brief break and catch-up with son #2 and then it's time to pick up son #3, his gf and all his stuff from uni.  I think I'd prefer to stay in the warm, but these are the breaks!

During my brief break I discovered that the musician Manuel Göttsching has died.  He was a very inventive guitar player from his days in the band Ash Ra Tempel and solo as Ashra.  Sad news indeed.

We're all home again, though probably only until the weekend, when I'm off to Dublin with Q, via John Lennon International. The next few days are going to be very busy, and that's just work!

Ate dinner with son #2 and son #1's gf whilst watching the start of a three-part documentary about Agatha Christie.

Time to speak to Q and then get some well-earned sleep.

Leftfield feat Grian Chatten / 'Full Way Round' / 'This Is What We Do'

[[This is a great new track from Leftfield, featuring the vocals and lyrics of Grian Chatten from Fontaines DC. I do love a Dublin accent!]]


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