Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 28th December 2022

I have succumbed. There was no way around it.  I've given in.  I have been to the shops as I realised I had no fruit for my porridge and porridge without fruit is a cardinal sin, as I'm sure you know.  Consequently, I also went to the card shop and coffee shop.  

When I arrived home the community matron was here, making a routine visit to change the water in E's PEG balloon, and no sooner had I got the shopping in, when the carers arrived.  Piccadilly Circus!

Latest news is that my father-in-law's funeral is set for next week, so we just need to work out the logistics of that, dispersed as we are.

I am enjoying having the freedom to use my time as I wish, I could get used to it.  Doesn't time fly though.  The Idler community would be proud.

I finished reading 'The Dead' and appreciated the story even more than I did when I first read it.  I need to find the time to watch the film now. One of the things that struck me was the attitude to female sexuality, which is very different to the perspective in 'Ulysses'.  I need to look up a timeline to confirm a sequence of events.

Son #3 made the dinner and we all watched the Christmas edition of QI together.  Some good laughs, not least about the candle salad.

After some travel planning, I headed to bed for a long and interesting chat with Q.

Gretel Hänlyn / 'Drive' / (Single)



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