Tales From The Crypt - Monday 5th December 2022

First day of 'shower week'. Loads of stuff has been delivered ahead of the shower replacement, just need the plumber now.  The shower itself hasn't been delivered, and allegedly it will be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. Fingers crossed.

The plumber has arrived.  The process of ripping out the old shower begins.

Now that he's settled in and working, and the tree has been delivered, I can get on and go out for a quick shop: Christmas cards, food, medication for my tendonitis and so on.

Just got back and, of course, as I wasn't available he's encountered the first problem that needs me to be around, hence delay.

Overall, it's been a day of disruption: my bedroom is in chaos, we have no shower, there are boxes of stuff everywhere and there have been periods of intense noise disruption.  Luckily he left early having stripped out the old shower, and I found enough peace to meditate.  It has been my day off, but hasn't felt like it!

It's also bloody cold in the house as the plumber has been in and out like a hokey-cokey maniac, most of the time leaving the front door open. It's taken a while to warm the house up this evening, not helped by the fact that it's getting very cold out.

Ate dinner with sons 1 and 2 (-ish) while watching a programme about TV in Christmas 1979 and also a bit more Hendrix.

To sleep, perchance to scream.

The Black Angels / 'A Walk On The Outside' / 'Wilderness Of Mirrors'



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