Tales From The Crypt - Christmas Day (Sunday 25th December 2022)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Day is a day for cooking, presents, time spent with family (wherever in the world), not for blogging.

Highlights of the day, in no particular order (necessarily), were: opening presents on a video call with Q and her family; doing the same with son #2 and his gf in Costa Rica and meeting her mum and dad, who only speak Spanish (which I don't, but tried); sharing dinner preparation and serving with sons  1 and 3; having breakfast with sons 1 and 3 whilst watching Tom and Jerry (especially 'The Night Before Christmas', something of a family tradition; watching 'Four Weddings and A Funeral' together, still finding it funny (as did my sons) and still shedding a tear (contact lenses); a chat with my big sister; and, speaking to Q too.

The winter, and Christmas in particular, seems often to bring sadness to our house too.  I got a call from my brother-in-law bringing the sad news that my father-in-law died early this morning. It wasn't unexpected news, but nonetheless sad news.  At least E won't be outlived by her parents. I just have to find the right time to tell her.

News aside we've had a good day together and now it's time for bed, via a chat with Q, of course.

Caravan / 'Winter Wine' / 'In The Land Of Grey and Pink'



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