Tales From The Crypt - Christmas Eve (Saturday 24th December 2022)

Unlike yesterday, my plan is for a chilled day.  In previous years we've gone food shopping on Christmas Eve.  I have always found that most unpleasant and detracted from the pleasure of Christmas, especially as I feel (at least I have since I've been an adult) that Christmas Eve is the best day of Christmas, with Boxing Day / St. Stephen's day coming a close second.

Of course, this is an optimistic view of the day and, as is so often the case, I have two wash loads to do, one of which is due to my decision to change my bed.

I was really pleased to get a shopping delivery on Christmas Eve, for the first time in a few years.  Turns out this was a big mistake.  I have never had an order with so many substitutions, worst of all the dinners for Christmas Day and Boxing Day were amongst them.  I think the lesson is to aim for a delivery a day or two earlier. 

After the shopping arrived and we'd had lunch, I shifted into chill mode. There have been several excellent music films this year, and after finishing reading the papers, I watched the King Crimson documentary again.  It provides real insight into the band dynamics, even if not about their creative process.  I am still moved by Bill Rieflin's composure and dignity in the face of his certain death from cancer.  Robert Fripp is also a very intriguing and unique personality and I'm left wondering what is the core of his and Toyah Willcox's relationship? On the surface they seem so incompatible, but clearly they are not.

The Beatles mega-documentary is something else.  I'm not as interested in the music (heretic! burn him!) but watching them write the songs that became 'Let It Be' is fascinating. Their friendship (which still exists, just about) and their creative process is shown and it's wonderful that this exists.

I'm hoping that Santa will be delivering the Bowie documentary, 'Moonage Daydream'. What a year!

In the evening we had party food and sat and watched 'Home Alone' together.  The failed burglary sequence never ceases to make me laugh even though other aspects of the movie are a bit too saccharine for my taste.  We were together, well, only a couple of key people missing, but it felt good. Family. Christmas. Love. No day would be complete without speaking to Q, and we managed several chats, which was wonderful. One day.

To bed...

10,000 Maniacs / 'Hey Jack Kerouac' / 'In My Tribe'



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