Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 3rd December 2022

Saturday again, and the sky is brightening promising a clear start, if not for the entire day.  A later start as we don't have anything planned, other than a need to go food shopping.

After breakfast, plans for the day emerged and Q's mum and daughter headed for Ikea, and Q and I went food shopping whilst son #1 got ready.

Home for lunch, but before that son #1 and I went on a quick tour of the campus before it rained.  Once lunch was eaten, the Ikea party returned, which meant it was time to assemble the furniture, also known as matching the instructions to the parts supplied. With a following wind, we should finish assembling it tonight. I hope.

In between times we had a great roast beef dinner, with the trimmings (including pigs in blankets) followed by lovely dessert of home-made chocolate mousse.  YYPB!

Yay! We did it.  It was good to help get the chest-of-drawers made. Great team work.

Tired now and so it's time for bed.

Honey Dijon & Channel Tres Feat. Sadie Walker / 'Show Me Some Love' / (Single)



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