Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 10th December 2022

Awoke this morning to a good one to two inches of snow on the ground and snow is still falling.  Q loves the snow and is thrilled to see it. I like the snow too, but preferably delivered when it suits me, like on a Christmas morning and never when I have to drive anywhere. Today it's perfectly fine.

After taking a few photos, time for breakfast.  We've booked an evening meal at a local pub that's been recommended by some of Q's colleagues, but before that Q has also got an appointment at a waxing parlour (is that the right term? Not sure I know!).  I drive us to the waxworks in a place called Old Swan, which is definitely old but seems to have a shortage of swans, not to mention a shortage of places you might expect to find swans. Unless it refers to vestas?

Whilst Q waxes lyrical, I go and park in a nearby ASDA and enter within its hallowed portals. Once the moon has waned, Q re-joined me in the car, we head for Tesco where I fill up the car with diesel (it stinks and is rather sticky) and we do food shopping. It is all very domestic.

We're both hungry when we get home, so have a quick snack, just some bread and cheese, as we're due at the pub at 6:30.  Q is baking for a bake-off competition at work, and the finished item has to be ready for Monday.  I'm sure it's going to taste and look good. 

Q drives us to the pub, Allerton Hall Farm. which seems (it's very dark) to be set in a large park.  In the dark and snow, from the outside, it looks like a set for an Agatha Christie country house murder.  It's an impressive building, apparently built by an abolitionist who went bust. It was incredibly quiet for a Saturday night, though somebody mentioned there's a football match being played tonight. We both had steaks, though not the ones we originally ordered, and the food was enjoyable though nothing spectacular.  Probably neither the best night nor the best time of year to try it (they seemed to be preparing for a Christmas party), but it was worthy of another visit.

Suitably replete we headed home for the rest of the evening.  A couple of episodes of 'Young Offenders' and so on.

Wigwam / 'Freddie Are You Ready' / 'Nuclear Nightclub'

[[Given the weather, I thought a trip to Finland was in order]]


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