Tales From The Crypt - Friday 30th December 2022

An early start today: I need to pick something up from the shops and son #1 and his gf are off out for a walk with friends.

Back from the shops and no sooner have I got indoors than another text arrives to say I have another parcel to pick up from the very same shop I just left.  Typical.  It can wait until tomorrow now.  

As the New Year approaches, I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog.  There are personal reasons why it was called 'Tales From The Crypt', partly as an homage to the comic of the same name, partly as a jokey reference to a silly rhyme, and partly circumstantial. The only challenge is what name do I use?  I need to get my thinking cap on.  If I can find it.

It occurs to me I could continue on the comics theme with 'Astounding Stories', but I think that probably sets me up for major disappointment, so probably not. Where's that cap?

Let's get the chores out of the way, most important of which are three things on E's behalf. Two phone calls and one letter later and I can get on with something even more exciting...yep! you guessed it, washing. Deep joy.

Unexpectedly 'The Mars Volta' arrives. I really must get around to some actual listening.

Over lunch I watch a debate between Will Self and John Banville about 'Dubliners'. It's had fifty-two thousand viewings, which is pleasantly surprising, but I do wonder if there's anyone else I know who'd watch it?  Will Self is always great to watch and listen to, he's such an eloquent speaker. The whole thing was mediated by Carlo Gébler. There were many things I disagreed with, especially uttered by John Banville, but other opinions are always fascinating.

After that interlude for the brain, I returned to my unfettered thinking about 2023 and my plans for it.

Son #1 and his gf returned from their walk wet and tired, so much so that son #1 fell asleep during the end of 'Where Eagles Dare'.

I ate dinner alone whilst watching Miriam Margolyes in Tasmania. A very fascinating and moving programme. I can't wait to watch the next two episodes.

Off to bed to do it all again tomorrow!

Belle and Sebastian / 'Talk To Me, Talk To Me' / 'A Bit Of Previous'



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