Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 28th April 2023

School's out. OK, strictly speaking it's not, it is however Friday and also payday.  The weather, however, neither knows, nor cares. Just the small matter of work to complete, then the weekend can begin.

I've been trying to resist buying a couple of books by Suzette Henke, but Abebooks has seduced me. I really need access to an excellent well stocked university library. It would save me a small fortune. Although...

Work is finally over.  There were two things I wanted to complete to feel happy about the day/week and I managed to do both, even if rather later than I ideally would have. A few additional meetings and additional tasks stole my time and threw my plan off.

Q's off out to the docks tonight, so we had a quick chat before she went. Meanwhile I booked the wonderful Italian restaurant for the week after next. All being well I'll be off to the 'Pool next weekend.

Chaos is in the air and people around me are changing their plans at short notice.  We all had dinner together (not the same dinner) whilst watching MAFSA.  Harrison is driving son #2's gf insane.  She especially enjoyed it when Bronte's sister described Harry (the name she uses rather than his full name) as, "a narcissistic, gaslighting, dickhead".  This seemed quite a positive take on the fellow, or at least how he came across.

At some point everyone, barring me, went out.  Oddly, a grey cloud of low mood has slowly crept upon me, this evening. I don't know why. There are a number of little things that may have contributed, but I'm really not sure.  I haven't felt this way for at least a couple of years, so it is a bit of a surprise, but also a feeling I recognise only too well. 

I head for bed and a chat with Q, who's not long back from her meal and visit to Albert, the dock, which is festooned with things Ukrainian and Eurovision.  Chat, reading, sleep, hopefully.

Elvis Costello & The Attractions / 'Man Out Of Time' / 'Imperial Bedroom'



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