Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 24th April 2023

As always, trying to maximise the use of time on my non-working day.  I need to catch up with my big sis about her birthday celebrations have gone, but I'll do that later.  In the meantime I'm in contact with friends about meeting up, planning a car wash and catching up on reading.

The morning is consumed in minor admin and such stuff until after the lunchtime carer visit, when I head off out to get my car washed.  The final departure of the bird poo.  Whilst at the car wash, son #2 informs me he's off to the dentist this afternoon and, after some discussion, we agree that I'll pick him up afterwards.

Once I've returned from the car wash (cue song) son #2 and I make lunch before I watch the second half of episode 5 of 'Blue Lights'. This is a damn good series.

Change of medium. Now I finish reading the papers and then get stuck in to 'Nausicaa' with its over the top, florid and romantic narration. We all know it's leading up to masturbation, which kind of dents the romantic mood.

Before I get to the climax of the episode, it's time to head out to pick up son #2.  The rain cometh.  The road works are a total PITA.

I'm off out early evening for drinks and food with a friend for catch up.  One of the main topics of conversation will be MAFSA, especially now I'm fully up to date.  Lots of things are discussed over alcohol and Tapas, from the heavier subjects such as grief and more trivial subjects such as Record Store Day (AWATS 😐) and, of course, the aforementioned MAFSA.  Harrison is a @*&%.  Bronte is crazy or after the likes.  Very sad to see Jesse and Clare go (Harrison is a $"^&*).  Mel and Layton (Harrison ...) Cameron, WTAF? Oddly we didn't talk much about Duncan and Alyssa. Sandy and Dan (steward at the bar). Rupert is manning up.  Evelyn is a very strong woman with many qualities (and it has been alleged by some, although way less important, that she's also attractive).  The friend accompanying me is totally supporting of the girl (woman) power. Tahnee and Ollie - are they about to unravel?

We parted company and began our walks home in light rain, which was also slightly chilly. Part way home I realised I needed to obey a call of nature. Luckily, I managed to contain myself until I got home (a 20+ minute journey), where relief was swift and almost immediate.

Had a chat with sons 1 and 2 before retiring for a chat with Q. 

Father John Misty / Mr. Tillman' / 'God's Favourite Customer'

[[This is one of those annoying videos that has viewus interruptus, purely for the benefit of the video, not the song.  I still like it. Love the song.]]


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