Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 12th April 2023

Another day started with a walk, during which Q and I chatted.  I may be on a roll, walk-wise.

Starting work seems to go better when I've walked first, so it's a habit I'd like to keep up.  Talking of which, owing to work things will be fairly quiet today.

First thing the roofer arrived to take a look at our roof.  The main roof is not too bad, apart from the gulley, but the extension roof, which is newer, needs a lot of work. The ridge tiles are all loose, he showed me he could lift them with his little finger.  He reckons the original mix used didn't contain enough cement.  There are leaks, not of the vegetable kind.

Back to work...

'Ulysses For All' is taking a break for Easter, so I have no commitments tonight other than to the bins. Committed to the bins, a pretty tragic state of affairs. I now need to start reading 'Cyclops' by next Wednesday, which is around 40 pages.

After a chat with son #2 about instant photo cameras, which seem to have come on along way since I had my box Polaroid camera way back when.  

Now it's time to start cooking dinner with salads prepared by son #1's gf. We all ate together and watched a recent-ish MAFSA commitment ceremony.

Bins, bed and box fan.

Alison Goldfrapp / 'So Hard So Hot' / 'The Love Invention' (Forthcoming)



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