Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 16th April 2023

I wake up a little earlier than usual for a Sunday but am feeling energised as I am going to be driving to Liverpool later to spend the coming week with Q, with the usual caveats.

Tense? The past sure is tense. (Apologies to Don Van Vliet) 

My plan was to leave at around ten, after the second, key, carer visit of the day. I had packed all my clothes already, so what could go wrong?

Well, turns out, the final packing took a lot longer than I had anticipated and I finally left around eleven-thirty. Not all the time was spent packing, to be fair.  There was breakfast, clearing up the kitchen, taking the rubbish out, another carer visit, making coffee for the journey and so forth. Not that it matters, as I don't have to be there by a set time.

I am now in the 'pool. The journey included a detour by way of the M54 and the Shropshire countryside owing to the closure of part of the M6. Time to relax. 

Q made a wonderful roast lamb dinner which we all enjoyed together. After clearing up, it was time to chill. 


PJ Harvey / 'This Is Love' / 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea'



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