Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 29th April 2023

For the third or fourth night in a row, I woke up at around 5 and eventually managed to get back to sleep.  Dunno what's going on.

When I finally got up a couple of hours later, I found myself still enveloped in the same dark cloud as last night.  Nevertheless, I got on with things despite a lack of focus which meant I forgot to do things like take my medication. 

Shopping involved some interaction with people, though perhaps not as much as I needed. 

After returning, the carers arrived, and as it is their birthday, I had cards to give.  Once they'd departed I headed up for a chat with Q, which kick-started my turnaround.  

As the morning progressed, and, despite the fact I couldn't join friends on a walk (😳), I started to banish the cloud.  This is a first. Generally, I find myself going deeper and deeper into the murk before I manage to break free.  I guess I have learned some techniques over the years of support that I can actually use to positive effect.  I still don't know precisely why it descended over me and did not see it coming until I was in it, but the result is a damn good start.  I'm not fully out of the clouds, but I am in a way better place.

After lunch son #2 and his gf headed into town for a shop and a meal.  I cleared up in the kitchen, listened to music and planned an evening of things I enjoy. I decided to watch the film 'Decision To Leave', which is in Korean with subtitles. It's an excellent film which has been filmed in interesting ways. The story is intriguing with odd twists and an unexpected ending. Watching a film with subtitles requires concentration which is a perfect distraction and helped me to further lift my mood.

Just as the film ended son #2 plus one returned. We chatted about their plans for tomorrow and then I headed up for a chat with Q, before reading and hopefully sleeping.  I have a cunning plan. I'm not setting my alarm tomorrow and will see what time I wake. It's an experiment.

Robin Trower / 'Bridge Of Sighs' / 'Bridge Of Sighs'



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